Recent victory of Saftra Photonics in the Startup Awards 2017 has attracted significant attention of media and investors. Their primary interest was about the product itself – the NanoScreen sensing chip and its long-term vision. But also the story of the team behind and a broader context of activities have got their space. (photo by Ivan Fleischer) Final event of the Startup Awards 2017 Radio and Television of Slovakia Key parts of the Saftra Photonics presentation at 33:40 – 37:20 and the awards cerenomy at 47:33 – 51:54. Víťaz Startup Awards: Odborníci nevidia na Slovensku perspektívu ďalšieho rastu online on 29/12/2017 (in Slovak) Profile interview with prof. Pavol Miskovsky about the company success story, product NanoScreen and his vision for Technology and Innovation park UPJŠ in Košice. Košickí vedci idú po rakovine. A popritom vymysleli aj tester vody Trend print magazine on 4/1/2018 and online (in Slovak) Startup of the month profile article that unveils the main company direction – cancer treatment research. Introducing SAFTRA Photonics, The 2017 Startup Awards Winner Slovak Startup online 6/12/2017 (in English) Interview about what steps precede a product hitting the market, the length of a technological development, use of “NanoScreenTech” as well as the importance of having an international team. Slovenským startupom roka sa stala Saftra Photonics online on 1/12/2017 (in Slovak) Profie of the winning presentation with more details on the concept and business vision. StartupAwards 2017 vyhrali s kľúčenkou na detekciu znečistenia vody online on 2/12/2017 (in Slovak) Profie of the winning presentation with more details on the concept and business vision. 3D holograms, water tester. What innovation bring Slovak startups? eTrend online on 6/12/2017 (in Slovak) Brief introduction of NanoScreen concept and awards results.