PickMol showcased to United Nations experts
With the ambition to make the pollution monitoring more affordable for developing countries and address any organic pollutants SAFTRA photonics was honored to exhibit at the United Nations high-profile event in Geneva. The bi-annual meetings of the conferences of the Parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions took place early May 2019. PickMol by SAFTRA photonics was selected as one of only three private providers to showcase their solutions in an information fair.
The showcase booth has welcomed high profile expert representatives, including environment ministers, research institutes for environment protection and central environmental authorities. Overall, the information fair provided strong warning in case of water and soil pollution by per-or poly-fluoroalkyl substances and polychlorinated biphenyls. These two topics seems to be very promising draw for development of new PickMol Sensing Chips.
Most discussions were focused on PickMol technology principles and mode of operation. The visitors appreciated its benefits when compared to other solutions – mostly the speed from sample collection to result and ease of operation. There was significant interest in a mobile unit deployable anywhere. The feedback collected forms the future product plans. The main mission of the Stockholm convention is to protect human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants. Read more on their website.